Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Valuing Older People over 50's Luncheon Club 2014

Dear ALL
May I Thank everybody for their support as to the meal that was organised on Friday 17th Jan the lunch at Whitemoss and to Zest for organising the food which was enjoyed by everybody.
Thanks to Stella Lea who brought the three ladies (Leanne, Maxine and Natalie) who have gained their level 1 training qualifications for VOP which had been held at St.John Boscos' via FC Utd. All these ladies have offered their assistance in the preparation and the cooking of the food in the forthcoming Friday VOP sessions which starts on the 24th.January.
 The ladies are being booked onto a day and a half food safety course ran by MPHDS on Thursday 13th.Feb.9.30am to 4.30pm and Fri. 14th. Feb 9.30am to 12.30pm(need to attend both days). 
Thank You to Jackie Daly , Janet Newell, Danny Grant , Sharon Joynt, Donna Ogden ,Lee Mather PCSO and Angela Heath PCSO  for volunteering on the day. We all deserve a pat on the back for making it such a success on the day and we are hoping to continue every Friday which will address the Social Isolation agenda.
   Please feel free to to pop in on Fridays at noon and enjoy a 2 course meal for £3 and socialise with our local over 50s' group. There are other things going on like Badminton/Table Tennis/Pool/Snooker/Computer Training/Scrabble/Domino's  between 10am and 12 noon so pop in and have a chat and come up with any other suggestions.
        Thanking You John Biggs  (Cente Manager)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fantastic work done by all involved. A much needed service as is evident from the numbers attending. Proving a place where people can meet and chat and enjoy a meal together brings untold benefits - this is a huge step in attempting to reduce the loneliness some older people feel.
Great that people are learning new skills too.
An all round fantastic opportunity for all. Get it promoted in the paper x x