Thursday, 5 November 2009


This is my blog this is a compation that Northwards Housing organised for local people to make there own Super Pig to draw and design a pig to protect our streets so we got the kids doing the competition and our juniors won the competition there art work is at the top of my blog so first prize for WHITEMOSS YOUTH CLUB was a Play Station 3 which northwards housing came last Monday to present the Play Station 3 to the kids and the PIG hid in our studio room and as the kids were setting up for the picture for the housing and then he came out and surprised the kids and they all run up to the pig and hugged him so well done to all the kids who entered great job for the YOUTH CLUB A BIG THANK YOU TO NORTHWARDS HOUSING the Play Station 3 which the kids love it BLOG DONE BY JOHNNY BIGGS...

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