Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Charlestown in Bloom 2022.

We had the Judges around today from the Charlestown in Bloom 2022, would like to thank all involved in helping in our Gardens and Allotments, with Pure Innovations who help Young Adults who have ADHD and Autism they helped Russel from the Wild Life Trust up cycling plastic Bottles to Bird Feeder s and   making 2 Bug Houses and 2 Barrel Ponds to encourage the wildlife to come in to the Clubs Gardens. Now we have Bugs in the Bug House and we have loads of tadpoles in the Barrel Ponds. Plus all the Help Danny Grant gave us in the gardens and Taking us down 2 the Hidden Gem in Heaton Park which we bought load of plants and Hanging Baskets.  The Judges turned up at 10.30am and we shown them around they was really impressed with the Gardens.   


Wednesday, 22 June 2022


Fathers Day Competition well done to all our Juniors that took part they all did Amazing job with the Cards and all where took home to give to the Dads at home 💙💙💙💙💙

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Volunteering Week this week Celebrating they great work all Volunteers do in the Communities all over the Country 2022

Great week Celebrating Volunteering Week Recognizing the Great work that our and all Volunteers do up and down the Country and without these People these Communities would be a nightmare to live in its these People who don't sit at home Moaning they get out in there Communities and make a difference to People's lives well done to them all big love to them all anyone who gives up there time to make a difference to the Area they live in 💓💓💓💓💓