Monday, 29 June 2009


this is my blog on our new NEW MUSIC STUDIO this is short interviews of local people on there thoughts of our new music studio and what it will do for local youths in the area also bit of beat boxing by youngster all members its free for the use of the studio if you are not member and you want to hire THE NEW MUSIC STUDIO out for making your own music get in touch with JOHN BIGGS ON 0161 740 1190 blog by JOHNNY BIGGS.. 29/june/2009.

Thursday, 25 June 2009


This is my blog of were/how we got an old peddalow boats off one of the Ireland it was a Saturday morning really hot whether me Wayne and dad/john biggs. Charlie who runs the boats at heaton park he rowed us over we only took over a spade and a plastic bag we thought there would just be leafs and bit water in the boat but when we looked it was full to the top with water and leafs so Wayne started off with the spade and he nearly collapsed because of the smell the boats been there for 20/30 years. We wasn't getting far so Charlie came back over with a big bowl it was alot easier to empty.then we lifted the boat over and left the Ireland then a week later sol from the clough lake put the boat on a moter boat and put it on to a truck and brought it to the youth club and then i got Lyme scale remover and cleansed up the boat then had to drill holes in the bottom of it so got room to breath when the soil got put in then the boys school came up with 16 volunteers to help paint the boat and soil it out and then put plants/flowers in the boat plus the boys from year 7 helped all week in weeding and doing hanging baskets plus the teachers/Ethan put two gazebos up looks great job well done to every one involved blog by Johnny Biggs on 25/june 2009. Project is for Charlestown in Bloom. 2009.